Villa Bergström - a dream project


w.33 Vacation is over and the first inner walls are in place. This is the wall and the opening in to the childrens playroom.


w.33 The plastic and innersealing laths over the garage, laundryroom and dining area are in place.


w.33 A picture from inside the childrens playroom and the doorway in to Lucas future room.


w. 34 All the inner walls are in place. Thís is the view from the TV-room toward the kitchen area. The door leads in to the master bedroom. The kithen will have a back wall with frezer, fridge, micro, oven and storidgespace. Infront of that the 1.2x3.6 meter kitchen island with stove and sink will be placed.



w. 34 A Pichture from the Master bedroom. The large opening will be the sliding door in to our walk-in closet. The left door leads in to the master bathroom.



w. 34 Future Sauna, in the master bathroom. Suddely the hole thing seems surreal. I can´t beleave that in november this is going to be our home.



w.35 This week have been all about the electricity. two times we came to the electricians with more installations that we hadn´t tought of before. I do hope we have enough outlets now. Lucas and Jacob checked out the installations by using walki talkies.



w. 36

The inner roof takes form and the isolation is finalised.



The inner walls are finalised togehter with all electricity preparation.


w.37 Fututre kitchen, nice !!!!



Emilie is inspecting the walls in the garage.



W. 40

The windows are in place and now we have som daylight in our house.


w. 41 The boys are playing Indoor hockey or Star Wars?? The paint work is about to get started. The base preparations is done.


w. 41 The floor and walls in the children/guest bathroom is done.



w.41 The sliding doors into the children area and into me and Christinas walk in closet.



w.42 The bath in the children bathroom and the wall behind the heating in the sauna.



Built in bath in the children bathroom.




w.45 Wallpaper on place and the construction of the fireplace has started.


w.45  The kitchen area before the utilities was installed and stolen!!!


w.46 The foundation of the washing room/area.


w.46 The wallpaper of our dining room. Brown base with colorful stripes...


w.47 The fireplace is ready and will only need approval from the chimneysweeper.


w.47 Sauna, we can´t wait to try it.




w.47 Kitchen without utilities.




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