Villa Bergström - a dream project



After fourteen years, eight apartments and two houses in five different cities. The Bergstrom, family of five, now feel that the right place to settle down has been found


We have tried life in cities with 3milj, 100.000, 60.000 and 35.000 citizens. Our choice have fallen on a small community with 5.000 citizens in the hart of southern Sweden. It's right between the three big cities Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo.


The dream of building a new house started years ago. The thought of planning, drawing and constructing a house completely after your own wants and needs are very appealing. After hours and hours with a pen and paper, several drawings and house sketches, we found a house plan that only needed a few changes to meet our demands. And finaly our house has developed and is now about to be realized.


Since we have a lot of friends all over the world we decided to launch the Villa Bergström website. We hope that this site will give our friends, family and others much joy while following the progress of our dream project.



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UPDATED: 2010-11-26